- I have advised Primary Schools in Westminster, Hounslow, Enfield, Brent and Surrey on all aspects of the SENDCo role.
- I have advised a range of schools regarding compliance with the Equality Act 2010.
- I have worked with Schools in Special Measures to rebuild their SEND provision and
- I have been interim Deputy Head for two terms at a Primary BESD School in Surrey, leading on behaviour management.
- I have worked in a Primary PRU in Surrey helping to develop a range of policies and mentoring the newly appointed head teacher.
- I have researched and written a report on Behaviour Support in Secondary Schools for the London of Croydon and contributed to a report on Behaviour Support in Surrey
- I have advised and supported an all age BESD School to get out of Notice to Improve.
I don’t use ‘off the shelf’ solutions or packages so whatever SEND related problem you have, I would approach it looking for an individual solution that is
right for you. For example:
- Are you a Primary, Secondary or Special School that is either without a SENDCo or do you need advice and support in developing the SENDCo role?
- Does your SENDCO need advice, training, or support with any aspect of their role including assessment, developing interventions or gathering evidence for an EHCP application?
- If you are a Primary, Secondary or Special School and you are experiencing problems with pupil behaviour, I can support you with
sound practical advice and suggestions for how to improve the situation. This could include staff training on challenging behaviour, with the aim of increasing attainment and reducing exclusion.